Papahana Kuaola
Maui, Molokaʻi, Oʻahu
Summer 2022
Varies, see details
Program Details:
Oahu (3rd - 6th grade): Haumana will be immersed in the moolelo and daily practices of our ancestors through hands-on experiences rooted in the native and Polynesian introduced plants that flourish within the ʻili ʻāina of Waipao. Four 3-day sessions will be held at Waipao, Oʻahu.
Maui (3rd - 5th grades): Haumāna will be immersed in the moʻolelo and history of Maui, participate in service-learning activities, plant native plants at the refuge, keep a kilo journal while learning to protect and preserve our natural resources. Two 3-day sessions will be held at Waiheʻe Coastal Land Dunes and Refuge, Maui.
Molokai (3rd - 8th grade): Papahana Kuaola staff will conduct huakaʻi of multiple wahi pana on the island of Molokaʻi. Moʻolelo about these storied places will be shared connecting haumāna to ʻāina and their Native Hawaiian cultural identity.
SUMMER OAHU: 3-day program, 4 cohorts of 20. 8am - 2pm.
Session 1 - June 6, 7, 8
Session 2 - June 13, 14, 15
Session 3 - June 20, 21, 22
Session 4 - June 27, 28, 29
SUMMER MAUI: 4-day program, 2 cohorts of 10. 9am - 1pm.
Session 1 - June 6, 7, 8, 9
Session 2 - June 20, 21, 22, 23
SUMMER MOLOKAI: To Be Determined
Registration dates:
4/1 - 5/20
Program start:
Monday, June 6, 2022
Program end:
Friday, July 29, 2022