College and Career Development
For a thriving lāhui today and beyond tomorrow.

Opportunities that nurture skilled, inspired learners pursuing growth along varied pathways to improve Hawaiʻi and to achieve financial stability.
The keiki of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. We are counting on it. That means Native Hawaiian keiki and ʻōpio must be prepared for this future and have ample opportunities for growth and development after high school.
Having the choices and skill sets to earn a college degree equips young people for all the pathways that lead to becoming the local and global leaders we need and want tomorrow. And as much as college is important, we also know that college alone is a means to a more important end. The complex needs and issues that continue to unfold within our shores require leadership that is rooted in a deep love and kuleana for Hawaiʻi. This leadership comes from a culturally connected place and plays a significant role in creating strong ‘ohana and communities throughout the pae‘āina of Hawaiʻi and beyond.
For us, it is not enough to simply increase the number of Native Hawaiians with a college degree. We aim to work with partners to create meaningful opportunities that advance college and career development for Native Hawaiians that also grow a greater sense of kuleana to community and Hawaiʻi.